
Become the Owner of a Sports team.

Invest in f2o Sports and become an owner of your favorite sports team. Make real decisions and experience the thrill of shaping the future of sports ownership.

f2o in the media.

The Problem.

Today’s sports investments are monopolized by wealthy elites, leaving passionate fans without a voice and no real ownership.

This exclusionary model deprives fans of a say in club decisions and limits their access to the benefits of ownership.

If left unresolved, this inequity will continue to feed the top of the pyramid, sidelining the very enthusiasts who fuel the industry…the fans.

Unlock Your Path to Ownership and Influence.

  • Limited Ownership Units: Secure your stake in Fan to Owner Futbol 1, a subsidiary of f2o Sports Corporation, our first capital raise.
  • Exclusive Fan Benefits: Enjoy exclusive perks like merchandise, behind-the-scenes access, and even a say in critical club decisions.
  • Early Bird Advantages: Be among the first to join our Fan 2 Owner community and help decentralize sports.
  • Fan Voting: Have a real voice in the club’s critical decisions, from stadium renovations to marketing strategies and potential player lineups.
  • Exciting Soccer Club Acquisition: We’re on a mission to acquire a soccer club in Spain and you can be a part of this thrilling journey.
  • Share in the Club’s Success: If the club grows and thrives, so does your investment. Join us and have an economic interest in the team you support and love.

We got you covered.


🇪🇸Fan to Owner Futbol 1, a subsidiary of f2o Sports, is poised to acquire a soccer club in Spain


We have a clear roadmap for club acquisition and growth, with milestones and updates to keep you informed.


As an f2o investor, you’ll have a voice in important club decisions, giving you a direct role in shaping the future of your favorite sports teams.

The choice is yours.

Join us in reshaping the future of sports ownership through Decentralization, Digitalization, and Globalization. If you grab this opportunity now, you become part of a global community of Fan 2 Owners, with the chance to influence decisions, have economic interest, and experience the game with content like an owner should. However, if you choose not to take this offer, you might miss out on a chance to be a true game changer in the sports industry, to own a piece of the excitement, and to help redefine what it means to be a sports fan. The choice is yours and the game changing potential is in your hands. Don’t miss out..invest in f2o Sports today!

Game-Changer Queries: Your FAQs Addressed.

1. What is f2o Sports?

 – f2o Sports, short for Fan to Owner, is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to revolutionize the ownership of sports teams by allowing common people to become owners.

2. How can I become an owner of a sports team through f2o Sports?

 – You can become an owner by purchasing units of Fan to Owner Futbol 1 through the WeFunder platform. Units are available at an affordable price and can be acquired with any international credit card (if outside the United States) or domestic USA credit cards.

3. What does owning a unit of f2o Sports entail?

You are actually buying ownership in a subsidiary of f2o Sports, called Fan to Owner Futbol 1. Owning a unit of Fan to Owner Futbol 1 makes you a part-owner of the sports team. As a unit holder, you may benefit financially from the team results, and you also get the opportunity to participate in important club decisions through fan voting.

4. How does the ownership structure work?

f2o Sports is a corporation that is the managing member of Fan to Owner Futbol 1. Fans can buy units in Fan to Owner Futbol 1. The funds raised are then used to continue to promote our business model to the world, build our team, and engage in negotiations with potential Spanish Futbol we have interest in purchasing in the near future.

5. Is f2o Sports only for fans in the US?

 – No, f2o Sports is a global initiative. People from anywhere in the world can participate and become owners by purchasing units through the WeFunder platform.

6. What is WeFunder, and how does it relate to f2o Sports?

 – WeFunder is the platform through which you can acquire units of Fan to Owner Futbol 1. It facilitates the crowdfunding process, allowing people to invest in the ownership of sports teams, with just an international credit card for people outside the USA.

7. How secure is the crowdfunding process on WeFunder?

Learn more about WeFunder here.

8. Can I sell my ownership units in the future?

Investors in the crowdfunding raise have to hold their units for twelve months. Our plan is to develop a secondary market for trading but at this time there is not a process for this.